Superstar Kamal Haasan launched the website of his fashion label, KH House of Khaddar, after launching it at a high-octane event in Chicago in November 2021. The Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan awardee launched the portal of his sustainable brand on Republic Day, making it available for fashionistas in India and the United States.
Making the much-awaited announcement over a zoom session, Haasan reiterated the vision of Mahatma Gandhi. “We are showing the world what it means to ‘be the change you want to see’ as ascribed by the Father of our Nation,” avers Haasan launching the clothing line that features authentic handlooms blended with Indian heritage and Western designs and silhouettes.
Giving out more information on the collection Haasan said, "Our first collection is not pompous. It answers questions like ‘What can khadi do for style and fashion?’ It can do all that linen can, and much more." Continuing he adds, "When we launched our label, our collection was showcased in Chicago in fall 2021. It is the city of winds, and the temperatures were icy, but I could walk down in a three-piece khadi outfit, and its warmth held me up. I believe that khadi is a textile for all seasons."
KH House of Khaddar aims at showcasing the fabric in a chic, cool and modern avatar that will appeal to the youth of the nation. The label also aims at uplifting and bettering the lives of the handloom weavers in India. The current edit includes formal and everyday wear pieces for men like bomber jackets, double-breasted coats, slim-fit blazers and more. For women, there are chic wrap jackets, trousers, crop jackets mini skirts and more in pastel shades of mustard, olive and pink.
Commenting on the launch, Amritha Ram the head of creative of KH House of Khaddar who has styled the star many times for his screen projects says, "I would want to make sure that alongside presenting the designed element that would put KH House of Khaddar on a global map, we as a brand would make sure that we comprehensively take care of the three dimensions of sustainability - Economic Development, Social Development and Environment Protection at all stages and that would be my dream for Khadi."
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